Dec 9, 2009

The Burdens of Government

"The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. " -- William H. Borah
Recently I have found myself repeatedly in awe of how far the American people seem to be willing to tolerate increased government involvement and intrusion into our daily lives.  We seem to be perfectly happy with our government meddling in our healthcare, banking, retirement planning, and anything else it decides it needs to have a hand in.  Hell, we're even okay with Congress dicating that there be a playoff system to determine a national champion in college football. Really? Really.

Where does our out-of-control government get the authority and the right to redistribute wealth, take over large portions of the private business sector and regulate our lives as if it is a parent sheparding along unruly children?  Truthfully, it has neither the right nor the authority.  We, the people, have simply ceded our freedoms to Big Brother through fear and apathy.  It pains me that someday I'll have to explain to my children how my generation took a land of promise and freedom and left them with a nanny state devoid of opportunity.

We should be ashamed.

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